These boots were made for walking

So Drops of Jupiter took some quality time last night to spend with herself… She wore her mud packs, she did some unpacking. She blared some loud music, she did her laundry. She complained to the patient boyfriend about how her life sucked. She felt better. She browsed through her favorite shoe shopping blogs and websites.

And she found a book she may not be able to live without. “Blahniks by Boman”- a coffee table book that is, cliched as it sounds, a marriage of fashion and art. And a glimpse of naughty genius of the book is in front of you.

The word you’re looking for is “whimsical”…

It teases, it flirts…is it not pretty? is it not irresistable?

We likey, we lovey.

We wil get our pretty litte fingers on a copy very soon!

While we’re on shoes, let me issue this public service announcement to all my sistahs!

Nine West is having a sale at Isetan, 18th to 23rd November.
70% off.
Members (like me) get an additional 3%.
Yes indeed. Imagine buying the very delicious Enzo Angiolini heels for a mere 50 dollars. The delicious wedge boots for another 20.

Surely the dates, the marriages, the exams, the birthings can wait. Surely.

So ladies, if you see a gorgeous long-haired petite babealicous girl trying on ankle-ties and asking the poor hungry chap with her “Which one is better? Should I get both?Maybe I should get both..Oh God, How about this one? I can’t afford all three, Hmm.. Can you lend me some money?”, remember to say , “Hi Jups!”

27 thoughts on “These boots were made for walking

  1. WHAT? 70%???That too when I’m NOT in town? Is this a joke. I know. It IS a joke :(On another note, anyone who visits me here, will have to carry back part of my shoe collection with them. There’s no way in hell I can fit all of that in my baggage allowance!

  2. The irony isn’t lost on you, I see.Fret not, tell me what you’re lookin for, and I’ll an eye out for that.Ah,so Ill have to be a porter for your pret-a-porter eh?(Whaa…what a lame joke that was)But you’ve got Times Square, and HarbourCity. HarbourCity has MORGAN SALES! MORGAN!je ne dis rien plus.

  3. Hehehe… right now I was walking back from lunch and making a mental list of the shopping that I’ve done since I came here :)Lets just say, the list is long and distinguished πŸ˜‰

  4. Women + shopping = “Bah!”I just dont get it.What do men think of 70% of the time – Sex!What to women think of 90% of the time – Shopping.*Tapping my toes on the ground, looking up and waiting for the bolt of enlightenment*

  5. I recollect reading somewhere reliable, that men think of sex approximately once every 7 seconds.*Casa fishes out her calculator*Hmmm, that roughly translates to 14% of the time. If you claim its 70% of the time…*punches a few numbers… please wait*It amounts to thinking of sex once every 1.5 seconds.*wonders if you need help*Need I say more?

  6. Saurabh- Looks like the missus has tormented your soul with questions like “Does my butt look big in this?”Casa’s calculator is very wise, now isn’t it? Add to that your latest posting, ahem ahem.

  7. Ok…. Ms. Math whiz .. the intention there was ….. aaaaaaarrrggggh! Why am I even explaining?Well no dont need help…. but bu those calculation please check how much do women think of shopping? :PJups – Ahem! No she doesent torture me in that fashion. And thank god for that! But there is this friend of hers who inevitably accompanies us and drives me up the wall with ‘Hey what do you think of thi…and this….and this….and this.’. Even the salesperson is looking for the baseball bat after a while.

  8. Hahahahaha…Okay applying the same calculations, it means that women think of shopping once every 1.1 seconds. Which means that statistically, if ALL that women think about is shopping and sex, the time sex is on their minds is only once every 10 seconds.Quite a small window of opportunity for you there, eh? ;)Sorrie… but this is fun :D*I’m lovin’ it!*

  9. Hear ye! Hear ye! Casa has lost her marbles. Please return them to her. We’re all being tormented here! Help!Small window sure… but just look at the way humans are copulating around you and you’ll see that we men have a bloody good hit rate then, hah!And dont turn this around by saying ‘Yeah right! thats what we women make you beleive.’

  10. The song goes,These boots were made for walking,And that’s just what they’ll doOne of these days, these boots are gonna,Walk all over you.Seems like a good choice now. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASaurabh, you’re outnumbered, wave the white flag now.(hope you don’t mind the heckling)Mahi- So, Ill see you there!

  11. White flag I shall wave not… but none the less I am going to refrain from making any more jabs at you. Trust the steel rod poking me right back!But you are quite a fashion conscious shop-a-holic… arent ya?

  12. πŸ˜‰ Peace out!I am knee-deep in loans and yes, I am obsessed with fashion.And I’m a shopaholic.The shoe-shopping took a major hit after my foot injury but now its coming back. HA!But yes, I need to curb it now…had to borrow money for last month’s was that bad.

  13. So fill us up on how many shoes u got. In our shoe rack we have no more room and my husband says “How many black shoe/sandals do u need”. He has 3 pairs of footware and he tells he still doesn’t have room in our footware rack. A girls gotta have her shoes.

  14. Seriously what is this with girls and fetish for shoes especially those designer ones !But anything that makes you feels good. Shopping is a sure shot way to lift your spirits, I also do the same but I generally lurk in the tools section. Those screw drivers, hammers, spirit levels, measuring tape, drill machines πŸ™‚

  15. Thanu- Yes, your husband can keep his three pairs. More room for you!!Green- OMG! The tools bit really cracked me up! hahaha! I have this pretty huge toolkit myself. Wrenches and hammers and all that…you know..just in case. πŸ˜‰

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