Citizens of inhumanity

Last year I purchased a couple of impractical and expensive pairs of jeans from net a porter…one of which were these pretty dusty pink jeans from Citizens of Humanity. In the last 6 months, these poor jeans have suffered greatly under my (lack of ) care. Now a week into my Argentina trip, they look pitiable. It starts with the mud and moss stains at the bottom, progresses to massive bicycle chain grease on the shins and ass, more dirt and even some blood for good measure (as I am the duchess of wipe outs) and finally the erstwhile carefully placed areas of distress turn into actual rips and holes. You can’t get this in a store.
What nice jeans should NOT look like

What nice jeans should NOT look like

That reminds me , I better get some laundry done when I get to bariloche.
So let me tell you how I ended up ruining my jean, or as I like to refer to it fondly, the worst bicycle ride of my life.

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Say NO to abusive bosses

I have mentioned several times in passing in the recent months that my boss is a worthless piece of shit. He really is. This human equivalent of a compost (though that is an insult to compost which is sustainable and useful) was the single biggest reason for why as of today I have resigned from my job. He is also the reason why I have taken a paycut in lieu of some dignity and peace of mind.

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I like some things about Madrid. Barajas airport is not one of them – A comprehensive field study/ angry rant.


A brilliant, quirky necklace I picked up in Madrid

A brilliant, quirky necklace I picked up in Madrid – A skeleton with boxing gloves? Genius

A trip to Madrid with friends, family, beautiful weather (sunshine and snow!) and lots of shopping followed by a few hours at the Barajas Airport is like going to the spa and then having a homeless guy spit on your face. The pain and suffering caused by a long walk through this unnecessarily complex, badly signed clusterfuck of an airport is probably only comparable to raging haemorrhoids because you’re left wondering what you did to deserve this.

Caveat: I speak pretty good Spanish so you cannot chalk any of this fascist bullshit to language problems.

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coffee and tv

I have that feverish feeling when one feels a bit warm and tired and grumpy but doesn’t require a blanket and a wet washcloth. I have some 17 things on my to-do – a rancid combination of personal (social and financial) and work stuff (in turn a rancid combination of routine shite and brainy strategising). I keep adding more things to it before I can subtract things from it.

I have a lot of work to do this week and the next and that’s not a bad thing. Granted some of the tasks are utterly rubbish but overall it’s going okay. Plus I have an intern, who though not the sharpest tool in the shed, is actually helping lighten my load.

Social engagements are seeming very painful and it occurs to me that maybe I have been overdosing on them while giving precious home-time, precious me-time. I love my apartment, and I have missed it the last few weekends. I have missed my cloud-like couch and my kitchen. I have missed my beautiful bed. I was so happy to go home on Monday after a very long day at work. I ate two kinds of bruschetta with cherry tomatoes and avocados and a fried egg with delicious za’atar on top. I listened to opera music as I often do (I love it when arias give me goosebumps) while reading my boring CFA books. I chatted a bit with the scientist and this other guy who I find quite hilarious but haven’t had a chance to meet because he’s been in Tunisia this entire time. And then I went to bed. It was a lovely evening.

I ended up going out last night for a little meet up – a sort of social experiment, and a pleasant one at that, that Jin and Pink started a few weeks ago. And I found it exhausting. Maybe drinking grapefruit juice had something to do with it. Sobreity makes things duller. And the food was shitty (fucking Oola again with their rubbery pizzas and blubbery beefs) but the company was worse. I don’t want to get into the details but there’s a certain rockbottom level of conversation I am willing to tolerate and laugh with but this was below that. I felt like my spirit was being crushed under the weight of overdramatic, oversexualised and oversimplified chatter with a bit of bigotry thrown in for good measure. The only silver lining was the absence of a hangover this morning. Oh and Pink said I looked nice.

I am also stressed about my upcoming voyage of Sushi and Self-discovery in Japan. Japan seems like a whole other planet – I dont speak the language, I don’t know the culture very well – but it is an intriguing world and one that I have wanted to see for the longest time. I haven’t planned much yet and being busy at work hasn’t helped. I want to get my head around the cities and things I want to do before I finalise my hotels. It will certainly be the most expensive trip I’ve ever been on and but also one of the most fascinating ones too. I can’t wait to do the Hanamis, Ryokan-stays, Onsens, Shukubos, eat the ramens, the tofus, the sashimis and everything in between. I am so excited.

I am going to an art fair tomorrow. It’s supposed to one that sells affordable ouvres so who knows I may be able to buy something. In any case, I reckon that looking at pretty things will help my mood a bit. I scheduled a date for tomorrow (after cancelling it twice before) a while back but I sense that the guy is uninterested. His lack of enthusiasm on messages and chat isn’t amusing and I am hoping he doesn’t confirm the plan tomorrow so I can go home and enjoy a quiet dinner for one. Actually I am pretty sure this date won’t materialise. On Friday, I have a jazz concert to go to so if the art doesn’t help, the jazz and the memories of N’awlins it conjures up certainly will. Sigh…I wish I could teleport myself to that beautiful city right now. mmmm a muffalata…

I have two dates on Saturday and Sunday that I am looking forward to (sort of…not really but still). One is with Leonard (our last one till 2015 remember?) and the other is with a tall, dark Italian who was very prompt to schedule a date within only exchanging 2/3 texts. I figured I shouldn’t keep a man like that hanging too long.

But more importantly, I have  the entire days of Saturday and Sunday free for me-time and CFA study. I will make my favourite Vietnamese drip coffee with maple syrup, I will eat a lot of eggs and I will study a mega-ton. I promise. Ideally, I will finish at least half of one of my books. Then and only then will I go on my dates with gusto. And heaven forbid, if I don’t, I am faking dyssentry and getting out of them pronto!

p.s. Blogging is me-time. The fifteen minutes it took me to write this little rant despite having “un monton de trabajo” to do have been so cathartic.

that don’t impress me much

Ladies and gentlemen, with prior apologies to the gentlmen, I present to you a preliminary analysis of my first attempt at online dating. Admittedly my experience has improved ever so slightly since this was written and I will tell you how very soon.

The first gutsy thing I did when I turned 30 (quite literally, on the very night) was to have sex on the beach. There was not much thinking involved and not the slightest bit of regret. It didn’t cost me anything (except maybe the loss of modesty, should someone have spied and I think one man did), it was amusing, funny and well, for lack of a better word, just great; Starry skies, ocean breezes and the sound of crashing waves provided the perfect ambience. I felt special and I recommend it to anyone who is bold and up for a bit of fun.

The second gutsy thing I did was to sign up for online dating. Bet you didn’t see that coming.
There was a lot of thinking involved then, there still continues to be. A boring afternoon at work was the catalyst. It is not much fun*, I feel as special as a second pregnancy during the one-child policy era. It costs me a lot of money to know that men check out my profile and then walk away from it. I don’t recommend it to anyone unless they look like Gisele Bundchen but then again, if you did look like Gisele, why the fuck would you need to resort to online dating?

There was a lot of thinking involved then, there still continues to be.
People have been recommending online dating to me for a long time. And why wouldn’t they? I never meet anyone outside the environs of a nightclub and / or in broad daylight. I don’t really have any single male friends and my married friends have most certainly never made any effort to set me up. In fact, some have explicitly stated that the nice single men they know wouldn’t ever go for me. Lovely. (True story: a friend once said “he only dates good-looking girls”)

I didn’t try online dating because I was too chicken. I also feel like I am something of an acquired taste, like a blue cheese or a full-bodied red wine. Not that I am stinky and fat but hey I have those days too. Ergo, I am not the sort of girl you’d fall in love with after reading her profile (and by that I mean, glancing through her pictures). Of course my racial profile and my height do not help my case. At least not in Hong Kong.

A boring afternoon at work was the catalyst.
Boring afternoons at work have resulted in great things for me, the greatest of those things was this wondrous blog that has been a sturdy constant in an otherwise meandering and unpredictable life. But I digress. One particular afternoon, about a week after my birthday, I typed “Hong Kong online dating” onto google and one thing led to another and before you know it, I was one more cheery face on (Tag line: Where busy people click”). I wrote a really sincere and somewhat funny narrative about how I was the geeky girl in pigtails that somehow turned out quite alright. My friends told me I sounded like a geek who had suddenly metamorphosed into a nympho. Okay, back to the drawing board.

It is not much fun, sometimes I feel as special as a second pregnancy during the one-child policy era.
On lovestruck, you have the option to wink at boys. I find this extremely cute and so I do wink and run away (I close the window swiftly cause I don’t want anyone to see, I am strange). After a few days of just winks, I mustered up the courage (and forked out the cash) to be able to send messages to boys. I always read their narratives carefully, I don’t bother with those that are uninteresting (no matter how cute the boys are) and I always write tongue-in-cheek messages that beg to be replied to. And yet reality has been far from it.

On the flip side, there are those that do write to me; their messages beg to be ignored. Here is an actual sampling.

“Are you single?”
What I want to reply: “No! I am married with 3 teenage kids. I thought this was a website for making car pool arrangements. Shit.”

“Hey what’s up”
What I want to reply: “Your eloquence and knowledge of punctuation is turning me on so much right now, I can barely type. So I won’t.”

Excerpt from a very long message: “In my free time I like to drink tea, wine, watch movies, go hiking , go to gym, discover new places in nature as well as experience new food (love vietnamese food, tried out diff chinese food, addicted to sushi and open to many others…(except indian! that will kill me )”
D’Oh! So close to being normal, yet so far!
What I want to reply: “I eat Indian food exclusively. I think we should see other people. Good luck with discovering new places in nature.”
(This guy claimed to be a teacher. I hope he doesn’t teach English. Also isn’t love too strong a word to be associated with tea? It’s fucking tea.)

It costs me a lot of money to know that men check out my profile and then walk away from it.
It costs me 300 HKD a month to have slightly-more-than-basic access, wink and send messages wantonly. The 6-month and 1-year plans are cheaper but I find it  embarrassing to sign up for either because of what it implies.

I don’t recommend it to anyone unless they look like Gisele Bundchen but then again, if you did look like Gisele, why the fuck would you need to resort to online dating?I find most of profiles rubbish. Don’t get me wrong, there is a slew of very cute men on this website. But several of them write tired, boring narratives and have delusions of grandeur. Most of them claim to be “sporty and fit”, they list “gym/keeping fit” as a hobby. They extol praises of Hong Kong; this is what I consider a “Captain Obvious” move, it’s a narrative about yourself not essay writing homework. They write that they are looking for fit girls. What is this obsession with being fit?! If going to the gym is a hobby, how boring is the rest of your existence? Don’t tell me, I don’t want to know.

Many specify that they are looking for only Asian girls, some, only Western girls, I think I’d consider myself Western but I am not white. I treat the website like I would a job so if I don’t fit the bill, I do what women are always criticised of doing – I don’t apply.

Sidebar: Most men also exaggerate their attributes. Ahem. Some colleagues from work and I headed to a drinks thing hosted by the website a few weeks ago. With my elephant’s memory, I remembered many of them. My colleagues and I curiously looked up the profiles the following day and of course they had all added 3-4 inches of height and called themselves blond/dark blond when they were really brunet.
Note to men:
1. You are not all 6 feet tall, shocking, I know. Some of you are 5’10” or 5’11” and that’s okay. It is statistically impossible that there are no men 5’10”-5’11” tall.
2. Unless you’re demographically predisposed to being insanely tall (say if you’re Dutch or West African), the probability of you being 6’6” is lower than me growing black truffles in my kitchen sink.

*Who am I kidding? It is fun. At least writing this was fun and the dates promise to be fun too. More on that later.

gives you hell

8th August…started writing this at the airport before taking off to Bali. Warning: Up ahead – a colossal, verbose rant that rolls on like hills in a shitty fantasy novel.

Last night may have been the worst first date of my life and I didn’t even have to leave the house for it or put on underwear. No, it’s not what you’re thinking. Believe you me, even a rendezvous of that sort has potential to turn into gold with a capital O (chuckle). No, this was a phone date and it was a phucking phontastic disaster.

Why a phone date? Because my darling mother, relentless like a salmon swimming upstream, found 4 more boys for me via the great arranged marriage network on the interweb. Why God Why? When does it end? (and don’t you dare say “With your nuptials, Jups”). After I recounted my disastrous date with that other Indian boy, mom asked if I wanted to meet boys in Singapore. I don’t know what I was thinking. Actually I do know, and it was this pigheaded idea that maybe there were guys in Singapore that were tired of the city and wanted to move and what better reason to move for than a lovely girl in a lovely city like Hong Kong?

I paid for that pigheadedness with a date that put me at risk of severe brain damage and I am not talking about a brain tumour from microwave radiation from the mobile phone itself.

You see my date was an avant-garde twat with a severe case of braggadocio and presumably a penis not visible to the naked eye. But that’s the verdict so let’s get into the gory details of the crime first so you can be the judge.

Name: Twatface McBraggy
Age: 34
Education: MBA (India- unknown colleges)
Work Exp: India and Singapore / Banks
Profession: Reigning Warlord of his bank – all the other banks want a piece of him but they can’t have him, ha!*
Net Worth: One Gazillion Bajillion dollars excluding the value of his sheer awesomeness because you can’t put a price on that shit.*

(* – He has had several job offers, offers to move to New York, London and Hong Kong and he just said no. Why? Because he da man. Also he may consider moving to London for a salary of 200,000 quid. If you’re a recruiter/employer in London, this is your chance. You’re welcome)

As I relive my horror from last night, I struggle to put into words what I went through. Mostly because he had all the words and I couldn’t get a word in sideways. I could do a headstand on a candlestick and not get a word in with Twatface.

It all started innocently. He rang at 10.15 p.m. He had a soft voice and asked if I was planning to stay up. I said yes because I needed to pack as I was flying to Bali. This somehow very quickly plunged into a discussion (and by discussion I mean competition) on how much annual leave we get. He got 30 days. I had 18. And children, that’s how the enormous wankfest of a phone call began. Twatface spoke with a very Bombay accent but in a rapid-fire kind of way and I was pushed into front of the fast train of his monologues, leading to the painful death of many braincells. (The survivors wrote this post which as you can see is NOT my best work).

Twatface launched into a full-on discussion of his CV – from where he’d begun his career to where he was now. It would seem that he started his career as head / managing / lead warlord of an entire motherfucking bank. Or at least that’s what it sounded like. He jumped from bank to bank blitzkreiging everything and everyone with his sheer awesomeness. And now he works in a Japanese bank in charge of several continents (CONTINENTS!) and several products (M&A? I haz it! Trade? I haz it! Structuring? bitch I haz it!). Some fifteen minutes in, I said “ah you’re a relationship banker” (i.e. simple way of deglamourizing and simplifying what he’d said).

He also name-dropped all over the place like a horny pigeon on the terrace of my brain. No I don’t know Nigel or Akash or Chetan or whoever the fuck. And yes, I know that in banking people move in the same circles and from bank to bank because bosses take their minions with them. Never mind that this is hardly a first-time type of topic but fact of the matter is I don’t have those networks. I am not gargling balls to get ahead at work and some point I did snap and say to him “that’s okay, the Indians in banking have their own little boys’ club and I don’t have a sugardaddy.” He was slightly taken aback. He was also slightly taken aback 90 minutes later when I said ” I work in the same industry and I have literally never had a conversation this long inside or ourside work about the markets). He fumbled and mumbled at that.

We must have discussed banking for about 2 hours – 2 hours where I listened and he talked at me incessantly. He asked me scant three questions – 1. Which bank I work for. 2. Whether I like Singapore or Hong Kong (answer: HK did not work in my favor) and 3. What my dad and brother did for a living (no, not my mom, because heaven forbid a woman work).

Twatface also had some kind of weird Tourette’s because he would repeat the same sentence / thought incessantly for about 5 minutes till I went completely quiet or changed the subject. For instance, he was telling me how he lives alone.

“So you know, I live alone in Singapore. I have my own place and I live by myself. I live by myself in my own place in Singapore. I had my parents visit me and stay for 3 months because I mean, they’re alone and I live by myself, I have my own place so they can come stay with me.”

Big fucking deal you are 34 years old! You should be living alone! Are you actually bragging to me about having your own place? Join the club, it’s called ADULTHOOD!

We also reached a deep dark place during our telephone call where he decided it would be okay to give me unsolicited career advice. Oh yeah, he went there. And I made the mistake of challenging him. He started by telling me how so many of his friends are unable to find jobs despite trying really hard, the market is poor blah blah. So I quipped “yeah, sometimes they can sniff desperation, if you’re looking too hard, it just won’t happen”.

“No no that is not true. If you don’t try too hard, you won’t get anything. You always have to be on the block. I am always on the block, you know. I mean, you HAVE to be on the block. I meet heads of banks, managing directors, I know everyone. I meet them for lunches and dinners but we don’t discuss work. I just meet them because I am on the block. You HAVE to be always be on the block”

Whatever this block was, I wanted to put my head against and have a steamroller roll on it and put me out of my misery.
(I later found out that “on the block” is an expression used in relation to hookers. Fabulous!)

Several times I would attempt to steer the conversation away from “the markets” and fail miserably while Twatface cruelly u-turned back to how awesome he was/his job was. For example, a conversation about my upcoming trip to Singapore to see the F1 race turned into a comparison of my cheap tickets versus his annual rumpus of getting grand stand tickets, giant LCD screens, commentary, champagne and free flowing appetisers like kebabs (yes he mentioned kebabs) and how there was no other dignified way of seeing the race. Woe is me and my downtrodden ways. Buying your own tickets (airline, race or whatever) is no way to live.

And there is more bragging. He talked about how Singapore Permanant Resident status is very hard to come by now and that his friend was a director at Microsoft (like all his friends, hello) got rejected for resident status but Twatface, lord god of awesome, had his application approved in 15 days even though he was doing it as a gag. But of course! And that he was going to apply for citizenship this year or next and was pretty confident that it would come through. I could learn from him – I am not even confident that my morning dump will come through.

I am sure I should have been much more offended at his behavior than I was at the time. It’s dawning upon me now that more than just being a showoff, Twatface was a patronizing jerk who was wantonly underestimating my intellect and my knowledge of my own bleeding industry. I’ve worked in this industry too, so don’t patronize me with your long-winded explanations, dipshit. Never mind that his inflated opinion of himself was grossly misplaced considering he had tier 2/3 education at best and both the banks he worked/works for are regional/tier 2 names. More than that, he was looking to find a wife via a phone call without investing so much as five minutes to find out about what I liked or cared about. And this is probably the most irritating thing that he was able to do on a phone call but would never have been able to pull off on a real date because my eyes would roll as obviously as a Spaniard’s R — the few occasions that I got to talk, he would swiftly interrupt me and cut me off with something unrelated.

At five minutes to 1 am, nearly three hours since the call began, his battery ran out. I must have jumped up from my windowsill and screamed Hallelujah! Ten minutes later, he rang again and my patience, like his battery, had finally run out. I swiftly said hung up after saying I was tired and I had a long day and flight ahead. We ended by saying I should look him up in September.

No sir, I would sooner turn tricks on the block than subject myself to five more minutes of your wretched, self-indulgent machismo. Do fuck off.

HKG-NYC via hell

My air china flight to New York was basically a preview of what hell would be like.

Because the flight was delayed one and a half hours in Beijing but because during said delay, we were all seated in the plane and the airconditioning was not turned on. I hyperventilated.

Because my flight, moments before landing, was rerouted to Boston thanks to a fantastic thunderstorm. And then we were made to wait in Boston in a hot plane because they turned the airconditioning off again. I hyperventilated. I was starving and tired and drifted in and out of consciousness.
Because despite knowing and acknowledging that I had ordered the vegetarian meal, the staff served me a seafood meal, which would have been fine except it wasn’t so much seafood as it was unidentified pieces of meat that smelt like seawater. This is not a testament to Air China in particular as it is to airline food in general – I am convinced that all the airline food served on all airlines is made in giant underground sewer somewhere in the Balkans.

And because seated next to me, as always, were some buffoons who were oblivious to how their annoying behaviour was irritating the hell out of me. Because even though I have sat next to some avant-grade idiots in my life (huge woman with bare, sweaty, fat arms, farty businessman, Chinese man with huge crush on me and no English skills whatsoever), nothing prepared me for twiddle-dee and twiddle-dum.

First of all, shut the fuck up. The lights have been dimmed and some passengers need to sleep. This is not a mid-air session of the Toastmasters’ Club. Secondly, let’s get one thing straight, the middle seat of the airplane is no place for motherfucking tai-chi. I am not kidding, this old couple was tai-chi-ing like it was the old-people Olympics. Elbows of old lady, meet ribs of the Jups. Not a pleasure to meet you. Also, I don’t care if you are cramping, you do not fucking CLAP without warning on a plane full of sleeping passengers. You scared the living daylights out of me every time I almost fell asleep. Thirdly (for those keeping track), you both also happily jumped over me several times to go to the bathroom, kicking me and my bag in the process when it would have been 700 times more considerate to just tap me and let me get up. It would have also been 3000 times more considerate if you had both gotten up to go to the loo together but that would have meant not kicking me twice.And finally, how is it that you are unaware that you are infinitely louder when you have headphones on? You ruined my sleep the entire journey with your talking nay screaming, your elbows and your clapping. You two are the gold, silver and bronze medalist of the Irritation Olympics. And what is amazing is that you don’t even know. You smiled at me across immigration queues like you knew me for centuries; you had no idea that you won the Irritation Olympics. You are cold-blooded psychopaths who belong in the elite torture squad of a rogue nation.

Sidebar: Before you make some kameha-meha hateful statement about mainlanders, know that the couple sitting by me was half mainlander / half hongkonger. The lovely lady whose elbows befriended my ribs was hongkonger.

And then there were the three rascals behind me. Because this story had to get better.
And because heaven forbid there was a stretch of five minutes where the old couple stopped talking/clapping/synchronized swimming and Jups gets some badly needed shut-eye. Rascals 1, 2 and 3 were in the business of kicking my seat for no rhyme or reason, shaking my seat during the process of one of them not in the aisle seat getting up to run through the aisle…and repeating the above till the end of time.

So it is no surprise that I was mildly thrilled that I had the “first row” aisle seat on the return flight. Short lived mild thrill. Someone was in my seat. Someone with an infant. The father politely asked me to switch seats because “they had an infant”. I refused. I didn’t think it was fair that they asked me…I am one of the three non-Chinese people on this plane and I am traveling alone; surely there are other people they could ask? It is a big fucking plane, okay? So I stood there awkwardly as the man tried to rearrange. It turns out there was only one infant bassinet-friendly seat in the plane. Surely that can’t be right, but I don’t want to argue. The family already had one seat next to me and they wanted the other two – hence the attempted ousting of the Jups. Again, why is this my problem?

Ten minutes in, I gave in to the guilt. That infant was tiny, a girl and pretty and even if it/she didn’t melt my heart, it did scare me with its potential to bawl through the entire flight. I said I’d switch seats but as it turned out, some twat in 58J wouldn’t give me his seat. So I am not the bad guy. The couple and the infant are now sitting next to me and my resignation to the fact that I won’t be sleeping on this flight. 

Besides, the kid’s grandmom doesn’t need to sit next to the couple, now is as good a time as any to fly solo (ha!pun!).

As I write this, my seat quivers. Is it my imagination? No sir, it is yet another under-ten miniature asshole sitting behind me. I have to choose sleep-deprivation or aggravated manslaughter. Stay turned.

P.S. And it is not entirely the kids’ fault that their brains are made of poo. It is the parents’ fault for letting them misbehave on planes, kick other passengers’ seats, run around and disturb the peace. Over the course of the flight, I glared several times at the child and his father. I even asked him to stop kicking my chair. Parents, your children are not God’s gift to humanity by default, they need to prove that they are. The majority of children, not unlike the majority of adults, are mediocre, stupid and unspecial. If you want yours to be different, teach them to be kind and respectful to others, and to read. As Elvish Pixie’s mom says, kids need to be raised, not dragged up.

3 am


Well the last few days have not been easy to say the least. Ever since the start of mom’s visit, I have had some insane insomnia. I think I know why. For one, I am getting no physical exercise – I haven’t wakeboarded in fucking forever thanks to the CFA and perfectly ill-timed bad weather. So there is just no outlet. And for two, my subconscious is trying to fuck with me.

You see, at some point, I think it must have sunk in real good during mom’s trip that either due to my own selectivity issues or the lack of compatible hot men (I jest…) or some other universe conspiracy, I am not getting married for a long time, if ever. And I tell myself that that is fine. It is okay. But maybe on some subconscious level, it isn’t. I don’t mean that in a sad loserly way. It’s just one of those things that nags me (if you continue reading, you’ll see there are other things that nag me too). Some weeks I go without proper sleep because I hate what I do for a living. Oh well. The point is usually this sort of conundrum isn’t easily fixed. My New York insomnia lasted months and had all kinds of weird ticks and triggers (I went without alcohol for 4 months because even one drink would give me migraines, you have to believe me). But the Hong Kong move happened and it was what I needed to shake things into place.

Two nights ago, despite having worked till midnight and being completely exhausted, I was finding sleep as hard to come by as a French person who doesn’t believe that world is just France.
Insomnia is frustrating not only because it is fucking tiresome but also because it is a vicious cycle and even though you know this deeply, you cannot change it because the more you consciously acknowledge this, the worse it becomes. At least this is what insomnia is to me. This, and tossing and turning on trying to find a comfortable position on my ironically expensive mattress and sheets and getting up to pee several times. Insomnia always wins because it is the ultimate “the game” because you lose as soon as you think about it. Curses.
There are two ways to deal with insomnia – fixing the problem which is usually complicated because the subconscious won’t tell you what the fucking problem is which will lead you to create a laundry list and analyse all your problems ranging from “I can’t decide if I am too hot or too cold” to “I think I must look terribly unsexy whilst asleep considering how so much of me is layery pudge” to “will I ever get married” to “do I come across as dumb” and “where do I find chiles to make mole poblano” all of this at 2 a.m…
…and sleeping aid. I always choose the latter because poblano chiles are not, at the time of writing, available in Hong Kong. I take a pill and usually within the next 20 odd minutes, I am guaranteed bliss but it will doubtless end at 8.30 a.m. when I will come to my groggy senses and realize “fuck I am late for work” and then spend the rest of the day being miserable. Why I haven’t bothered to switch to the relatively safer melatonin, I don’t know.
This particular instance, two nights ago, was only slightly different. Because I think it was longer than 20 minutes since I took the pill (but hey who knows?) and I hadn’t fallen asleep and because I talked to someone about it. When I was in New York, I had this luxury though it really wasn’t a luxury as much as it was a painful ironic twist that I would call my boyfriend in Singapore to talk about not being able to sleep when really he was the bleeding cause of it.
But this particular instance, I called my male friend in California. We still don’t have any substantial feelings for each other, I assure you, other than comfort. I recounted how I had lost sleep for two nights over, yet again, are you ready for this shocker, a boy. An Indian boy because meeting these sorts always sends some neuron in my brain into overdrive. “God make this happen, mom would be so pleased” the neuron shouts into my brain. I need to find this neuron and douse it in glue.
My Cali friend did not assure me that the boy would text and he did not give me reasons or interpretations of what the boy’s actions/inaction meant. Instead, he told me not to feel sorry for myself. He said he admired the way I lived and how courageously I did so. He said he could never do the same (maybe that’s a polite way of saying he can’t imagine being as promiscuous as I). More importantly he said that if I didn’t live the way I did, if I didn’t put myself out there, I would be grim and unhappy because I wasn’t being true to myself.
Sounds almost like commonplace advice you think you’d find in self-help books. Almost, except it isn’t; it is exactly what you need to hear at what is by now well past 3.00 am and you are losing sleep convincing yourself that you really need to be with some pedestrian new-to-HK expatriate boy who has some good qualities and several mediocre ones. I really need to raise my standards.
p.s. this fantastic white paper on insomnia is ironically brought to you by Air China whose old-ass plane is currently transporting me to new york sans inflight entertainment and co-sponsored by three horrific boys who sit behind me and shake and kick my seat constantly and by the weird 50-something couple seated next to me that tai-chi in their seats, especially by the lady in the couple who elegantly hacks up phlegm with shocking regularity and just to fuck with me (and presumably to avoid cramping), CLAPS every few minutes, scaring every last hope of sleep from my soul. I did not make any of that up.

maa da laadla

I have spent the past 10 days being an extra sweet daughter to my mom. She really needed a break from work and chores and all and I have tried to give her just that. By way of not giving her any household tasks to do, by not letting her cook or clean, by taking her out to eat “everything and anything but Indian food because she is sick of rice and chapatis”. I even took her to my lovely stylist.

Yesterday, I didn’t quite live up to all of the above because my fucking periods hit me and you know, they are the iceberg to my titanic. I am in numbing pain for 24-36 hours usually and am ready to bite the head off anyone who tries to piss me off/annoy me/make life more difficult for me/etc. Mom was especially patient with me yesterday and made me rice and “gottukozhambu” made of drumsticks fresh from our farm in Bombay. How lovely, eh? She also made me a hot water bag that I could sleep with. Drugged up, I slept well and in an infinitely better mood today. (maybe because I am still drugged up but hey who’s counting?). I hate my periods, I hate them with a passion. I hate that they have to be so ferocious and dramatic, like EVERYTHING ELSE in my life and I hate that they consume my morale whole. Because that’s how I feel. And I feel cheated by the fact I am paying such painful premia every month on an “option to have babies” – one I don’t know if I can or will exercise.  Then again it is nice to have the option? Boo.

Everyday I’d come home from work and either head to a restaurant with mom or cook something lovely for her. I made her shakshuka, aubergine and mango soba noodles, Vietnamese rice paper rolls, fajitas, guacamole, calabacitas con crema and took her to Italian, Moroccan, Thai and other not-Indian restaurants. And we ate loads of Alphonso mangoes while watching hindi soaps and Mad men. Don’t ask. I actually liked the hindi soaps.

On the second day, the one unpleasant thing that went down was that I found numerous open windows on my laptop with pictures of nerdy, not nicely dressed, South Indian boys. None of them appeal to me. It’s not that they are repugnant or anything; who knows, maybe one of them is a hoot, and made of money to boot (ha! rhyme!). I just don’t see how anything could come of any of this. I’ll never know. One of them was this really huge guy, cheerful feller but still, huge, unkempt and poorly dressed. My brother thinks he looks older that my father. Another had on two different suits (score!) but didn’t exactly look “high energy”. Something’s always amiss. I gotta hand it to mom for continuing to try though I sincerely wish she didn’t. This isn’t for me. She asked again yesterday if I was interested in the big guy. I said I wasn’t. I feel bad doing so, just as I feel bad ignoring a text message but I have to get over that guilt. My brother has the right idea “they ignore us too, we don’t always have to reply back”. I love that kid.

Did I tell you how my second date with the Indian boy went? Remember the first date I had before heading to California where I got shitfaced and had a gala time and had lovely banter not only with my date but with two considerably older Scottish and Irish men who gatecrashed our date? Yeah, that dude. My second date was a disaster. Two weeks after I returned from LA, the guy messaged and I agreed to meet him even though I was mildly miffed that he had chosen to get back in touch after so long. Still, it was a Saturday and I got dressed very nicely (after going wakeboarding, so obviously in record time) and went down to meet him. And there he was. Dressed like he was ready to go to bed, or wash dishes, or whatever it is one does when one wears abominable clothing. How should I know? I can tell you that my brother wears nicer stuff to sleep. The conversation was terrible and I think it was because I didn’t drink (I was on a detox thing back then). The restaurant was terrible – that was my doing and I took responsibility. I still tried to keep my spirit up but my brain and my body were already too tired and the fact that he had put in so little effort made me feel so resigned that  I yawned too many times for it to just be a “lack of oxygen” thing (what? it’s true! it happens sometimes!). I think all my friends think I am an avant garde bitch but I would argue that a man that can’t put in effort on a Saturday night for a second date is not exactly going to be your dependable rock ten years into a marriage. And in any case, we didn’t click because he never called again and I don’t care.

What I do care about is that mom leaves tomorrow and I am sad and I feel guilty, as I always do. Was I nice enough? Did I treat her right? Why didn’t I take her to Temple Street despite knowing that she really really wanted to go there? Am I going straight to hell? Will I ever be able to make her truly happy by eventually marrying some nice South Indian boy? Is it fucking ironic that I have a drinking date with the English Pakistani dude this friday?

I don’t know. What I do know is that one should 1. Dress nicely (at least on a date) 2. Be nice to one’s mom.